The coral-and-lava beaches of 'A-Bay', above, are a short walk from the Vista. Snorkel tours and kiteboarders are enjoying the bay; Hualalai Mountain rises in the distance.
Eight of the earth’s climatic regions are represented on the Big Island.
The youngest island in the Hawai'ian chain, about the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined (and still growing), the Big Island is climatically diverse. The eastern, windward, Hilo side has tropical forests, waterfalls, volcanoes and rain; the dry, sunny, leeward (= "Kona") side has lava deserts at the foot of the mountains and calm seas (and thus, abundant marine life and water sports). Compared to the worldly sophistication and extreme materialism rampant on Oahu and Maui, the Big Island is innocent, with an unexplored and unexploited feel and a deeply spiritual majesty.
Experience Hawai'i's pristine and dramatic scuba diving and snorkeling; incomparable sport-fishing in summer; humpback whale-watching December through April; upcountry trails for riding and hiking; and the earth's most active volcano.
Big Island Links:
- Hawai'i, The Big Island Revealed: Links Very extensive links page to suppliers from our primary island reference
- Fodor's Big Island Travel Guide Itineraries and recommendations from a premier travel reference
- TripSavvy profiles Big Island events and communities, offers photos and resources
- The Go Hawai'i Bureau site is multilingual and offers beautiful maps, a survey of Big Island regions and culture, and offers suggestions for travel planning
- Frommer's Favorite Big Island Experiences